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Be Gay! But be Happy

This blog is super late and I apologise but for an awful long time I couldn’t find the right words to express this. Hopefully the lovely Ms. JPMetz can help! (Video below…)

I’m not gay, but some of my friends are, and I love them for being the individuals they are. If your gay then so what, you can still work, breathe, love and be you. I don’t know how hard it is to either come out or be open with friends let alone ‘the family’ but no matter how hard it may be at times don’t let it bother you.

As a Pagan it can be hard to open up about my beliefs as I just get shot down or people are too mean to realise that taking the mick is just wrong. Its lonely here as I know a few Pagans but we don’t hang out (due to un honest reasons), and the closest Pagan bud I have lives just under 3hrs away (Miss O). I wish I could sit and talk to someone but I can’t, thus making it very difficult to be myself around others. That’s my fault in life and I have to deal with that until I find people who want to know.

As for my gay and lesbian buds, you have me and each other. Luckily there’s a gay bar in almost every town and a load more in every city. Go out and make new friends if the ones you have mock you. But whatever you do, be happy, and don’t let harsh actions from other people ever make you depressed or worse, suicidal. I don’t know what I would do without any of you =]

Nerd Note: Gay folks have been around since the dawn of man, but for some reason incest is okay? WTF?

Anyhoo, watch the vlog: (if y’all don’t know her… Watch a few of her vids first. She’s very inspiring!)

Sy x x