Little Black Book: Top Chants


I have been meaning to start a new feature on this blog for a while, about the little ‘secrets’ I hold with my little black book, so take this as post numero uno!

Recently a lovely friend of mine emailed me for a little something, and thanks to his email it kind of spurred me into a ‘creative’ process. I looked at my travel BOS or Little Black Book and started noting down recipes and spells, chants and prayers etc that I have found very useful. I usually list chants and prayers and information in this book as I travel around with it, and I don’t want to flick out a spell that may need 50 items to get energy going, that the mind can’t summon. So, without going into too much detail, here a few of my favourites, and they will also appear on the Online BOS on my website (if any of you have spells, chants or variations of other rituals feel free to email them to me if you’d like them featured on the website):


Justice Chant (to Goddess Nemesis)

May Nemesis stalk those who dare to slander me and cause me care
All that they attempt to cause me pain,
Rebound on them and be in vain.
Let the hurt they cause to me and mine
Be bound round them like ivy’s vine.
And when they lay them down to sleep,
May nightmares stalk and waking weep.
Until the day their conscious bids
They tell the truth for all to hear,
And leave my reputation clear.
All this I ask in Justice’s name,
And wish on them the very same.


Creativity Chant (also good with revision)

You might want to make a creativity working candle for this, I used an orange candle.

Muse of art,

Muse of sound,

Muse of thought, gather round.

I summon your power,

Your guiding light.

Guide my hands in this creative rite.


Book Blessing

Hearken as the Witch’s word
Calls the lady and the lord
Moon above and earth below
Sky’s cool blue and sun’s hot glow

In this right and ready hour
Fill these pages with thy power
May no unprepared eye to see
The secrets which trusted be

To I who walk the hidden road
To find the hearthstone’s calm abode
Guardians from the four directions
Hear me and lend thy protection

May these truths of Earth and skies
Shaded be from prying eyes
But to the witches whose map this be
May the way be plain to see

And through all the coming ages
May we find home in these pages
So mote it be!


Candle Blessing

Take a white candle – either tapered or a figure candle to represent the person.
Carve the person’s full name onto the candle and anoint with a suitable oil.
Place the candle in the holder, and place the holder on top of a photograph of the person.
(If you cannot obtain a photograph then a personal item will suffice)
Light the candle and say:

*Name* – may you be blessed
May all good things come to you
May nothing cause you harm
May your heart be light
May your travels be safe
May your health be good
May your mind be sound
May your friendships be fruitful
May you be blessed in everyway.

Allow to burn for a period of time before extinguishing.
Repeat for 7 days.


Enjoy =]

Author: Sy Andrews

Sy Andrews aka Sylvia Beckett Davidson, is a British writer, blogger, esoteric darling and Youtube vlogger. English literature graduate. Both sites will focus on literary reviews, book lists, comic books and nerd chat, writing and novel tips, and discussions in magick, paganism and the occult. A mixture of everything from her. Reach out on social media from Twitter (@SyBAndrews), Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Goodreads (Sylvia Beckett Davidson), and Pinterest.

11 thoughts on “Little Black Book: Top Chants

  1. Thanks Sylvia!

    That first one is just what I need right now!!!! Someone is trying to me a great injustice.

    • Ooh, bloodstone is great stone to carry around with you after this chant, soak it in vinegar or a flower infusion that promotes peace, clarity and justice/karma. Wrap the stone up in a white cloth whilst still wet. =]

  2. Thank you Sylvia,

    The book blessing is amazing. Will be using in the near future 🙂

    Have a good week Sylvia,

    Tenshi ^_^

  3. Thank you Sy!
    Especially for the candle blessing 😉
    Take good care of yourself
    B.b ❤ ^i^ P.J.

  4. Of lately, I’ve begun to suspect that I might turn into a somewhat overweight, but well-armed panda, while listening to surf punk, enjoying life, dabbling in magic and generally making a fool of myself at

    But, seriously…. the “Nemesis” chant reminds me very much of the very first grimoire – or collection of spells – I ever read… This was in 1979, when I was 16, and stumbled upon Bengt af Klintbergs “Svenska trollformler” or “Swedish magic spells”, printed in 1965 and containing at least 100 different traditional spells from AD 1000 until 1870 ca… (The very same edition was sold recently at for those who’d want to judge it by its cover – reprints have appeared in 1980 and 1988) and in it, one can find at least 4-5 good “thing” or justice spells, to be invoked before appearing at court, or anything similar…

    and one reads:

    Trollformel mot ovänner

    Jag står upp en morgon,
    ifrån alla mina sorger.
    Jag binder mig med vredens linda
    från man och kvinna,
    ifrån svärd, ifrån värld,
    ifrån all min ofärd.
    Så skall hat och avund smältas,
    på mig idag,
    som saltet smältes
    i friska vattnet.

    In approximate translation, one gets…

    Against enemies

    As I rise up one morning
    from all my sorrow, all my grief
    I will tie myself with anger’s chain
    from woman, from man
    from sword, from World
    from all misfortune.
    Thus, hate and envy will melt
    for me today
    as this salt melts
    in fresh water…

    One is suppose to throw a little salt (of any variety, try rock salt or any common household substitute) in a bowl of water, or over one’s left shoulder, without looking back. As I recall, when Svenska Asatrosamfundet celebrated their first Midsummer at Tyresta south of Stockholm in 1996, we used another version of this spell as an “opening ceremony” for the great wedding between Frey and Gerd. And in 2002, an unknown witch, somewhere in my home country, copyrighted it on the Internet – – makes me wonder if one can put a copyright on spells – one propably needs another incantation, to do just that…

    Common too are the umpteen spells that mention Freja, or later – the Vigin Mary – and which might go as follows:

    Freja och hennes Möjor,
    de till stranden gingo,
    Då sågo de hjärnen flyta,
    de vodo ut och togo den,
    och lade honom i skalle och hjärneskål,
    med Frejas nåd.

    It’s supposed to work against headache, and just says:

    “Freyja and her maidens
    went to the shore
    There, they saw a brain floating
    so they washed it and took it
    and put it in skull and brainpan
    by Freyja’s grace…”

    I’m still not quite sure what to make of that one, but more common still is:

    Geting, geting, etterspik
    från Loke är du kommen
    och honom är du lik.
    Stick i sten men ej i ben.
    Stick i backe men ej i nacke.
    Stick i mull men ej i hull.
    Sticker du mig faller du
    döder omkull.

    against Hornets:

    Hornet, Hornet, Ichorspike
    from Loke did you come forth
    him you resemble, for what it’s worth
    Stick in stone but not in bone
    do no harm and pierce no arm
    Stick in grass, not flesh
    Harm me and fall over dead !

    Anyhow, a great THANKS !

    • Thanks for these! i must say, Swedish sounds really nice when I’ve heard it spoken, very poetic. I’m gonna list these in my LBB. Thank you for the links!! =]

  5. thank you i will have to try the creativity chant it is most needed x x x

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