Intro to EC Witch’s Blog

1 Comment

MM, and welcome to my EC Witch blog. This blog is a personal account and a great educational source for all sorts of Pagans and open minded folks who want a more individual idea of Witchcraft in today’s world.

I’m not a teacher or anything, and I do not see myself as any bigger than other Pagans, I am soley here to learn more about my chosen craft. Look at me as a begginner. I yearn to learn! lol!

This blog will include hopefully all sorts of things, from recipies to blog entries on rituals/spells i have done successfully or not. A book list or my favourite videos from various websites, and maybe some of my own. Who knows, its early days. I hope you will enjoy my future posts, Keep in touch and ask me anything on Paganism if you want, or educate me!

BB xx EC Witch!

Author: Sy Andrews

Sy Andrews aka Sylvia Beckett Davidson, is a British writer, blogger, esoteric darling and Youtube vlogger. English literature graduate. Both sites will focus on literary reviews, book lists, comic books and nerd chat, writing and novel tips, and discussions in magick, paganism and the occult. A mixture of everything from her. Reach out on social media from Twitter (@SyBAndrews), Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Goodreads (Sylvia Beckett Davidson), and Pinterest.

One thought on “Intro to EC Witch’s Blog

  1. hi – just been reading your blog – it’s great. Thanks for sharing this and all the tips on YouTube πŸ™‚ We also have the same taste in music… I absolutely adore Nightwish πŸ™‚ Blessed be x

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